Category Archives: Coding Education

Learning In California

San FransciscoOf all the states in the USA, California is a great place to raise a child. There are many reasons that California is so good for growing kids, and I will try to hit the high points in this short article. One of the most important parts of being a parent is trying to foster the development and learning of your child without smothering or being overprotective. We all want to help a child do what they want, and one of the most critical ways that we do that is by finding great activities which stimulate our kids’ minds. California is wonderful in that this journey of learning can reliably start in the public school system. The schools will be able to expose your child to a variety of ideas and subjects, but there are some things which may not be covered in class. Never fear, there are great afterschool programs and camps in California to further your child’s learning and career in areas that school might miss. CodeRev Kids is one of my favorite examples of these programs. They do a great job of making learning about computers and coding fun for kids in both after school and camp programs. If someone had put Minecraft in front of me when I was young, I might have learned to code too!

The outdoors are a great place too. No matter where you live there are a number of great outdoor activities for you child from the mountains to the oceans. If you child shows a significant amount of athletic talent, California boasts an amazing density of national and state parks and locations, as well as world class museums. The Exploratorium is one of my favorites in San Francisco. There are even great trade and craft programs all over the state. Take advantage of the great the state school and community college systems in California as they often offer great programs for your younger kids which might spark interest in them early in life.

Hot Activities for Your Kids This Summer

Youth CampIs your child bored of doing the same thing every summer? It happens. Sometimes the old Boy Scout or Church camp, no offense to those fine institutions, just stops being fun for your kid. What are you supposed to do when the old summer activities don’t work anymore? We have put together a few options for you below. Hopefully these options are varied enough that you will find something for whatever kind of child you have.

Coding camps are a great option for your kids that can’t pull their heads out of the tablets. CodeRev Kids is one of the foremost summer camps in this area. For younger kids, you can get them started in fun activities like Minecraft level building, which help to teach the basics of programming and using the computer. They can move on, or older children can participate in a variety of programs which appeal to plenty of tastes from robotics, to web design, to more complicated coding. Coding camps are an amazing way for your kids to learn great skills which can help them immeasurably later in life.

There are a number of great outdoor camps your children can attend over the summer. We won’t talk about the basics like football, baseball, or any of the other sports you might be familiar with. Instead we’ll mention some outdoor activities which you may not have thought of. Circus camp is a great option for children with a bunch of energy, and it teaches skills which instill poise, grace, and a good party tricks too boot! Rock climbing and ultimate frisbee are two more great options for outdoor sporting camps, depending on whether you child prefers individual or team sports.

Space camp is the old standby and a personal favorite of this reviewer. What better way to teach physics and encourage a love of science than with rockets! These days, space camps will also teach your kids about biology, nutrition, health, and chemistry, so there are many topics to pique your child’s interests.

What do I do with my kids this summer?

ChildSports Camp – Sports camps are a great way to develop your child’s skill in their preferred sport, or to teach your child a new sport that they wish to learn. Some of these camps are highly focused and others cover multiple sports. Choose based on your child’s wishes.

Music Camp – From School of Rock to your local school band, practice makes perfect! Rock’n’Roll Camp for Girls in Portland, OR is a great example of camps throughout the country.

Code Camp – These camps are great ways to expose your child to possible skills and career paths that are not often covered in schools, even these days. Your kid doesn’t have to be a computer nerd to attend these camps and they can be really helpful in exposing your child to possible STEM related careers in the long run. CodeRev Kids is a great example of a summer program which appeals to children through a variety of programs from computer game and web design to robotics. Your child can dip her toe in the water of programming easily by learning to make a level in Minecraft, or how to program a robotic arm made of Legos. As their interests grow, your children can explore different aspects of coding and expand their skills.

Academic Camp – Ask officials at your child’s school what local camps would be best for your child’s academic growth. There are a wide variety of camps available in most locations, and there are larger camps available at major universities throughout the country.

Outdoor Camp – Outdoor summer camps come in all shapes and sizes. All children should learn to appreciate nature, and picking up some extra skills can be a bonus. Hiking, animal care, fire building and camping, crafts, horseback riding, and barn dances are all wonderful experiences for your children.

Space Camp – Everyone loves Space Camp! It is a great way to sneakily introduce a love of science into your child’s life. You can’t defy physics unless you know what the laws are!

Coding Is A Great Way to Develop Your Kid’s Brain


Learning to code is great for the development of your child. A game as simple as Minecraft can teach kids real world skills. Coding will develop your child’s eye for the world around them, as well as the world within computers, and make them more able to analyze and understand new problems and ideas.

Don’t think of learning to code as a new skill, independent of anything your child might learn elsewhere. Learning to code can also develop artistic, scientific, and mathematical sensibilities. This can be best accomplished through hands-on focused learning with coding academies like CodeRev. There, your child can learn to design and create animation, website building, or even make their own computer games. Does your kid want to build things? The robotics-based programs will help them get on the cutting edge of integrated engineering and coding. There, they can learn on Arduinos and the programming language Rasberry Pi, two products which are used by professionals in many different disciplines today.

These days, paying for college is expensive. You might have a plan to  save, but costs are continuing to grow. Coding is a great way to place your child at the head of the pack. Coding can earn your child scholarships down the road which can be invaluable for their financial future and stability. The lessons learned in coding be applied to anything these days to improve job prospects, and many employers now ask for coding experience in positions which did not require it as little as five years ago. Even if knowledge of coding is not required, its presence on a resume can work wonders in displaying an applicant’s intelligence and capability.

Really though, most of those reasons should take a backseat to one simple fact: kids have a lot of fun at places like CodeRev. That is probably the most important part. Coding can help kids learn to be productive members of our world when they do, unfortunately, have to grow up, and they can do so while having fun.

Why Coding is a Skill Every Kid Should Learn Before College

Coding For College

Coding is an invaluable skill in the modern world. I believe that all children should be taught how to code, as early as is possible. It should be a language class after Spanish, but, that doesn’t really happen yet. Coding provides a foundation for a developing brain which leads to smarter and more successful adults. CodeRev Kids is one of the best ways to get a child started in coding. There are many ways to get your child involved, depending on your family schedule and your child’s particular interests. Programs are held as Spring and Summer Camps, as well as after school. Kids can choose among a number of topics, as young as age 6, and build on their skills along with their interests. Topics range from simple Minecraft modification fun to hardcore Python programming. Your child can delve into animation, game design, robotics, or another specific area in depth if they wish through a plethora of.

In this day and age, there are not many growing industries. The baby boomer generation is still taking up a large number of jobs, at it looks like they may not be able to retire as early as they would like. Some jobs are being outsourced and some have been made irrelevant. For these reasons, there aren’t many growing industries in the United States. Coding is a skill that can provide a child with a marketable trait as he or she moves out into the world. Coding can give your child the freedom of choice to live where they want, as you can always work from home! College is expensive, and it isn’t for everyone, so wouldn’t it be great if that wasn’t the only way to get your kid ahead in the world? If your child is college-bound, and doesn’t want to code, the skills learned through different coding camps can be applied to many other passions, and improve their eventual chances in the job market.

So please, make sure your kid learns how to code.

Teaching Kids to Code is Critical to their Success.

We all know that there are some serious problems facing our children as they grow up. Public schools are a mess. Standardized testing causes more problems than they solve for young people. It takes a ridiculous amount of money to even raise a child until college. College itself can cost just as much in only four years. After all this, young people are increasingly underemployed. Why is this?  It might have something to do with the way industry has transformed in the United States. After World War II, the United States enjoyed an economic boom in the industrial and manufacturing sectors as the country returned to work, and factories were returned to peacetime operation, with wartime equipment. Additionally, the economy was stimulated by the ongoing battle with communism as the military industrial complex continued to grow. However, with the advent of the personal computer, and the fall of the Berlin Wall, many jobs have been outsourced to various countries where labor is cheaper. As these jobs leave, others follow and American companies have downsized. This means that each entry level position that is actually available is more competitive than ever.

So what does America do now? Well, we’re pretty good at making software. Factories may currently be better suited for other countries, but America is still leading the world in producing influential (and necessary) intellectual property. Most of this intellectual property is, you guessed it, software and algorithms for computing. Where would the entire would be without social media or search engines with super-fast responses?

What does this mean for our kids? Simple: make sure they learn how to code. If their schools fail them, or money fails you, coding is a skill that will be in demand for much of the foreseeable future. With this one ability, your child will be able to find their own way in an increasingly uncertain world. Even if your child want to do something else, coding will only help them accomplish what they want to, from art to science to politics. If you already code, it should be easy to teach. If you don’t code, make sure to send your child to a coding academy of some kind, where proven professionals can guide him or her. Make sure to start early, because kids are like sponges for all languages, virtual or not.

Banking and financial services are a lost cause, teach your kid to code.

Why coding is the future of American economy

Industry in the United States has stalled considerably recently. While unemployment is not very high, underemployment is. While the country is currently clawing its way out of a large recession, many young people can still only find jobs which don’t fully utilize the skills they developed in college.  Sometimes, those that didn’t go to college find themselves in a better financial situation later in life without the
burden of student loans.  Obviously, this only happens if a high school graduate finds a profitable skill-based trade which suits her as a career. However, these jobs can be difficult to find as a large portion of traditional American industry has been outsourced in the last few decades. Everyone has it rough. The number of people competing for each job continues to increase, and we’re less and less likely to get promoted at the jobs we work in.

So what is America good at? It turns out, we’re pretty good at moving money around, maintaining a large military, and, we’re really good at making computers work. Like other manufacturing, much of the
building of smartphones, computers, tablets, and their requisite component parts is done in other countries. So what do we do? We write the code. Despite falling math and science scores nationwide,
the United States is still the center of influential and groundbreaking Codingsoftware, video games, websites, and algorithms. That’s odd, because we don’t teach kids much about computers in public schools. Often, only those with an odd predilection for computers ever delve into coding. Those that do, and learn to master a coding language or two, find that they have a marketable skill, independent of how well they happened to do in school. So, teach your kids to code, whether or not you can. It will be the best gift you ever give them. A vast majority of the world economy in the quickly approaching future, and from then on, will be driven by computer code. Teach yourself if you don’t know already. There are free websites, and paid tutors you can take advantage of as an adult. Even if it isn’t directly relevant to your current career, I guarantee it will help your resume in the future.

Spring Camps a Success So Far!!

This Spring Tech Camp has been a huge success!  Many of our students have told us this is the best camp they have ever been to, and have even changed plans to keep coming next week.  We will be posting students’ creations shortly, so stay tuned to see some of the wonderful things our students have designed and coded!!  We are so proud of our guys!!!

We will be holding another Spring Tech Camp this coming April 6-10, so if you haven’t had a chance to try us out, this is a perfect time to come see what all the buzz is about.  As of today, we have a handful of spots left in our Creative Coding Center in Santa Monica.  Our Spring Coding Camps include many different programs to choose from, ranging from robotics to modding in Minecraft, to learning coding through 3D Video Game Design, to creating 3D animations, so come check us out for an experience that will change your child’s perspective on technology and learning forever!  Or, if you can’t make it this Spring, come join our Summer Tech Camps this summer for a chance to get in on the creative fun!

In addition to creating on the computer, we have sessions throughout the day in which students learn to plan out their projects before hopping on the computer, we have creative brainstorming sessions with peers and instructors, and we hold incredibly fun outdoor games our campers play which involve running outside and teamwork.  Students enjoy a bit of everything, and even go home with the ability to create on their own and a newfound confidence with the technology they have learned.

Latest Obama Initiative Highlights the Need for More Coding Education

460153866.jpg.CROP.rtstory-largeWe all know coding is fun. We also know it’s in high demand. By 2020, 1 million computing jobs will go unfilled in the United States due to a lack of appropriate preparation of our future workforce. Unfortunately, many students are graduating from excellent universities without the ability to obtain positions that utilize their expertise. However, someone who graduates from college with a computer science degree is very likely to obtain a desirable and high earning position immediately. Those who possess these highly valued technology skills will have the opportunity to work in any field they want as they depart college because every field will certainly contain positions that require expertise in technology.

Throughout the country, schools are beginning to emphasize and demonstrate the importance of coding. For example, students at Jesse Bethel High School are not just learning coding, but using it to earn money for resources. Dianne de Guzman explores this in a recent article titled “Jesse Bethel students learn coding and earn money for school resources.” De Guzman writes, “Thanks to a company called Codecademy, the students are learning the code required to build websites. A web-based program, Codecademy teaches users computer coding skills, teaching HTML, Javascript and other coding languages. In 2014, the company partnered with, and through a $1,000,000 grant from, they’re offering schools a chance to earn $100 per student in DonorsChoose rewards. Each student that completes a 12-hour Javascript coding course by March 17 can earn rewards. Underrepresented groups in computer science, such as girls or African American, Latino, American Indian or Alaska Natives can earn more funding credits for their class.”

Meanwhile, in New York, coding schools are acting upon a recent initiative from President Barack Obama to encourage coding. According to the Associated Press, “Targeting stagnant wages in an otherwise improving economy, President Barack Obama on Monday called on employers, educational institutions and local governments to develop a home-grown high-technology workforce that could help drive up higher-income employment. The effort aims to attack a stubborn downside of the current economic recovery and fill a gaping demand for high-tech workers in the United States. It will also make use of coding academies, including New York City-based General Assembly and the Flatiron School, which have had a growing role in making tech skills more widely available. General Assembly will pilot an online Web development program with at least one community college system and also work on standardizing tech training programs. The Flatiron School will be helping to expand on a program it operates now as part of the city’s Tech Talent Pipeline to train 18- to 26-year-olds who do not have a college degree.”

At CodeRev Kids, we applaud these efforts. It’s our mission to provide youth with the tools they need to succeed in the computer science field when they get older. We offer a wide variety of programs that teach youth about robotics, web development, app making, and much more. Our lessons are customized to meet the expertise of each student and we emphasize engaging lessons that are not just highly informative, but fun.

Whatever youth coding education needs you might have, look no further than CodeRev Kids!