Category Archives: Coding Education

Best coding languages for teenagers

Coding is an incredibly useful skill for almost everyone. It helps you understand how things work, solve problems, find innovative solutions, attention to detail, and plenty more. Learning to code at a young age can really improve the development of these fundamental life skills and open new career and job opportunities for the future. But, deciphering all the different coding languages available for teenagers can seem intimidating, especially if they are just getting started!

Since coding is an essential 21st-century skill, there are numerous coding languages designed to teach youngsters how to start coding. Choosing the right coding language for your child’s age can open a window into the world of programming. The better your child understands one of these languages (including its syntax and grammar), the more likely they’ll be able to create, design and code whatever they want. But, before finding out the best coding languages for teenagers you might want to know “what’s a coding language?”

What is a coding language?

A coding language is a language we use to give instructions that a computer can follow. Those instructions allow us to develop software programs, scripts, or other sets of instructions for computers to execute. Like in spoken languages, such as Spanish or Italian, coding languages can share similarities, but each one has its own rules. In coding languages, these rules are called syntax. And unlike spoken languages, if there’s a slight error in your syntax, the computer won’t be able to understand what you want. That’s why coding requires so much dedication and attention to detail.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there for every skill and experience level. Usually, block-based code is used to introduce kids to code since it’s less intimidating because it involves dragging “blocks” of code with the instructions you want to give to the computer. But, more advanced coders can start exploring text-based code with coding languages designed especially for them.

Best coding languages for teens - Minecraft

Below, we’ll break down the characteristics, advantages, and level of challenge of the coding language we think are best for teens to engage with code. Java, Lua, and C# are among the most popular, so let’s take a closer look at each one!


Java is the coding language used in Minecraft and one of the most widely used coding languages in the world. This makes it a great option for kids that love playing Minecraft as they will be more motivated to stick with it since they can use it to actually modify the game of Minecraft. It is also the perfect approach to get a better understanding of coding and keep growing in the matter in the future. 

Java works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.), and is also easy to learn and simple to use. Besides its versatility, Java is secure, fast and powerful, allowing its users to make game engines, Android mobile apps, large backend environments, and much more!

Recommended for:

  • Teens who play Minecraft and want to level up their game experience
  • Teens who want to explore programming concepts
  • Teens who already have a background in coding and want to strengthen their skills

Featured courses: Modding in Minecraft


Lua is a powerful and fast coding language that is easy to learn and use. That’s why it is probably the perfect language to start learning with. Lua is lightweight and designed essentially for embedded use in applications. One of the most popular examples is Roblox. Roblox uses Lua to develop actions in the game such as conditionals, loops, variables and more. 

Lua is a multi-paradigm language, which means that it has a set of features that can be applied to many issues. The popularity of Lua comes from its multiple applications. You can not just find Lua in Roblox, World of Warcraft, and Angry Birds but also use Lua code. 

Recommended for:

  • Teens who play Roblox and want to improve their game skills 
  • Teens who want to learn to code quickly
  • Teens  interested in game design

Featured course: Roblox Studio Game Design (Macro)


C# is the perfect solution for learning to code while making 3D games. C# is a popular coding language used to develop everything from mobile applications and video games to enterprise software. C# it’s very similar to Java, which makes it easier to learn for someone who already knows this coding language. 

C# is a great way to start diving deeper into the world of coding. Because of the multiple applications it has, C# is the fourth most in-demand programming language for jobs.  This makes it an amazing option for middle and high-school students who want to pursue a career in STEM fields.

Recommended for:

  • Teens who are interested in designing video games
  • Teens who would like to explore developing apps for cellphones and tablets
  • Teens who already have explored Java with Minecraft

Featured course: Unity 3D Game Design

We hope this guide helped you obtain a better understanding of the coding languages that can make your children excited about coding. If you need help to decide which one would be a better fit for your child’s skills and interests, you can reach out through our social media accounts. 

Best coding languages for kids

Since technology has become present in our lives, dominating coding languages has become a need for adults and children. Indeed, programming for youngsters is turning into an undeniably necessary subject. Learning how to code at a young age can genuinely set your kid up for success. They don’t just develop basic coding skills, but skills for the rest of their life.

Today, even kindergartners can start exploring different coding languages that fit their age needs. Learning code abilities at a young age will impact their development in STEM, and so forth, in their future careers. Also, studies have shown that coding reinforces skills like problem solving, logic, creativity and critical thinking. 

A parent’s guide to coding languages

Programming is the language of the future and learning how to effectively use it is easier than it looks. First of all, you should know that there are a huge amount of coding languages for kids to start with. Scratch, Java, Python, some forms of JavaScript, and Lua are probably the best, and most known, coding languages to begin with for kids. 

In any case, each coding language has its own working framework, style and expected use. But in general, these languages show kids how to track down an answer for an issue using an arrangement of steps, activities or directions. 

Generally, children tend to quickly become familiar with coding languages designed for them. Kids learn better through visual boost and this is the reason why graphical programming programs turn out better for beginners. Once children understand fundamental coding concepts, they can move to text-based programming languages  (line coding) and learn the syntax of various programming languages.

But, how to choose the best coding language for your child? 

It might be hard to decide the best way to introduce your child to code. That’s why we made our top 3 of what we consider the best coding languages for kids! Check it out with us, and feel free to ask us any questions you have to help you choose the best coding class for your child.


Scratch is a free educational programming language developed by Mitch Resnick and patented by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Learning to code with Scratch is easy for kids because of it’s intuitive, easy-to-use visual block interface. This makes it an amazing starting point for kids to start connecting with code.

Best Coding Languages for Kids: Scratch

The simplification of the process of designing games and creating stories and their big online community makes Scratch the perfect coding language to introduce your child to code from ages 6 to 16.


Lua is the perfect coding language to introduce children to text-based code since it’s easy to learn, use, and embed into applications. The power of Lua coding is that with a beginner-friendly language, it introduces simple concepts that can turn into greater creations.

Best codinga languages for kids_lua
Best Coding Languages for Kids: Lua

In addition to its simplicity and efficiency, Lua is used by Roblox which is a game platform adored by kids. Learning to code with Lua in Roblox, allows kids to create exciting and fun games that they can share with all their friends. 


Java is one of the most used coding languages in the world. Gmail, by Google, and Twitter, for example, were created in Java, as well as one of the most popular computer games nowadays: Minecraft! If your child is into Minecraft, Java can be a great programming language to create with.

Java gives a richer insight of coding as it’s designed to continue developing over the years. Although it’s harder to learn because of its variables, Java catches children’s excitement as it is widely used to make video games and mobile apps. It is also a great entry level object oriented programming language, typically focused on CS programs later in school. Its scalability makes it perfect for kids from 10 to 16.

These days, learning to code is a priceless and useful skill for kids. Understanding how something works, how to solve problems and being able to create new scenarios has a myriad of benefits for budding young programmers.. Regardless of the age of your child, there’s a perfect coding language they can start exploring to open a world of opportunities. Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions? If so, we’d love to hear from you! 

Challenge Your Child to Take on a New Activity

The list of jobs of a good parent is long. Of course, the basics are necessary – food, clothing, education, etc. – but the list gets much longer as we think of ways for parents to help nurture their child’s intellect and curiosity. At CodeREV Kids, we have some unique ways to challenge your child through the joys of learning to code.

Coding can help your child for the rest of their life

There are plenty of activities your child can take part in, so you may be wondering – why coding? The truth is that there is a long list of reasons that coding can help your child. Not only will your child learn valuable skills today, but the demand for employees who can code is only projected to go up in future years. What’s more, it’s not just coders they’re looking for. Future jobs may seek out employees in all sectors who also know how to code.

Your child can build on a host of skills

When your child comes to one of our coding classes, they’ll learn about coding but they’ll be building other skills too. Our classes help foster critical thinking and team work. They help improve our students’ self-esteem and they can increase their interest in both math and science. Whether your goal is to help them specifically learn coding, or to boost their self-confidence or help them make new friends, it’s all available here.

Our instructors have unique backgrounds

When a company is staffing for a company like this, what do you think they should focus on more: Instructors who have experience teaching children or instructors who are experts in coding specifically? For other companies, this may be a difficult question to answer but for us it was easy: Our instructors are both. They come to us with vast experience teaching children and creating curriculum, but they’re also experienced in coding in the real world.

If you’re looking for a way to challenge your child, help prepare them for the future, and introduce them to new friends, then CodeREV Kids is a great choice. We offer a host of programs from Minecraft maneuvering to structured coding classes and even classes that allow your child to work at their own pace. We’ve done everything we can to ensure that all students can find the perfect balance between being challenged and feeling confident.


Could Your School Benefit From STEAM School Services?

At CodeREV Kids, we’ve seen kids from all backgrounds, of all ages, and all levels of experience benefit from our unique STEAM curriculum. We are proud of the after-school classes we offer, the summer coding camps, and the other ways we interact with our students, but that’s not all – we’re also bringing our program to schools around the country.

Which STEAM school service will work best for your school?

There are a few different ways you can take advantage of our program: You can let us come to your and teach onsite at your school or you can use our program yourselves at our school – with our support. If either of these options are interesting to you, then we recommend you reach out to us right away to find out how our customized curriculum could work for your school. Otherwise, keep reading to get more details.

We can teach our curriculum at your school

The first option is to have our tech teachers come onsite at your school and teach our programs directly to your kids. Generally, this is done on a weekly basis though we can customize a program based on your unique needs. One of our experienced instructors can teach the program to your students or they can work alongside the instructor of your computer lab.

We can offer the support you need to teach our curriculum

It’s often the case that schools simply want to license our curriculum and get the training they need to teach our program to their kids during the school day. Remember that our program is truly ground breaking, and when your own teachers are trained on how to follow it, you can teach it for years to come.

Depending on your preferences and needs, there are a few ways we can accomplish this goal. We can work with your school on a subscription basis wherein we license our program and curriculum, or we can offer professional development training so that your instructors get the details on how to handle a wide range of our programs.

No matter which option you choose, you can count on many different options that can be seamlessly integrated into your current classes. One of our many goals it to ensure that the CodeREV Kids program is as customizable and scalable as possible. Reach out to us
today for your own consultation and find out how our programs could work with your school.

Have You Thought About Your Kids Summer Schedule Yet?

It may seem as though the year has just begun, but the truth is that summer is just a few months away. Have you thought about how you’ll ensure your kid keeps up with their school work over the summer and continues to grow? If you’re like many parents, you want a way for your child to continue to learn but you also want them to enjoy their summer. Enter CodeREV Kids summer coding camps.  

There’s a camp to meet virtually need

There are a number of different summer camps available, some of which are all day and others are just half a day. Some are a week long and others are longer. The purpose of the curriculum at CodeREV Kids is certainly to teach your kids while ensuring they’re having a blast, but we also work hard to make sure that our spring and summer tech camps meet a wide variety of needs.

Check out an example daily schedule and you’ll see that there’s lots of fun to be had

The daily schedule for the particular camp your child signs up for will vary but today we wanted to share an example of a daily schedule. This will give you an idea of what you might expect.

  • 9:00: Game activities and group check-in
  • 9:15: First create period
  • 10:30: Morning snack and an activity break
  • 10:45: Second create period
  • 12:00: Lunch
  • 12:20: Outdoor recreation
  • 1:00: Third create period
  • 2:00: Meet and offer direction
  • 2:30: Snack
  • 2:45: Fourth create period
  • 3:30: Afternoon snack and break
  • 4:00: Pair up and share the work done

The specific activities that your child will take part in during the create periods will vary based on the type of camp they sign up for. Younger kids or those who don’t have a lot of tech experience may start with a camp that offers lots of direction. Older kids who are more experienced may work at their own pace on projects selected by them and supervised by our staff.

The bottom line is that it’s all up to you

Whether you choose to send your kid to us all day or just half a day, it’s up to you. What classes they sign up for and what they work on, it’s all up to you. We provide the expert guidance and award-winning curriculum but at end of the day – and the start of it – it’s really all about what will work best for your kid.


Now is the Perfect Time to Learn About Coding Summer Camps for Kids

Do you want your kids to have a truly unique experience this summer? If so, CodeREV Kids has a great idea for you: Summer coding camps for kids. You may be surprised to learn just how fun and educational these classes are – after all, as a parent, you know how hard it can be to create a curriculum that’s both! Read on to learn more and then reach out to us with any questions.

Your kids can learn STEM skills over the summer break

One of the biggest complains teachers often have is that kids forget a lot of what they learned during the school year when they’re off for summer break. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you’re intellectually challenging your kids over break too. Our weeklong tech camps are perfect for kids who want to design video games, learn about robots, create 3D models, animate – or just learn more about technology.

Our staff knows what they’re doing

When we hire staff, we go through an incredible rigorous process – and the same is true of our training process. Every Mentor we hire has at least two years of experience teaching tech to kids – and some have over a decade of experience doing so. We also require at least one year of professional experience within the tech sector.

We have Mentors who have worked at big companies like Google, EA, Sony, and many other companies. This isn’t just a summer job for them – it’s a chance for them to share what they’ve learned in a way that’s really important to them. They take this job seriously – and they take it to heart.

Your kids will bring home what they make with us

Regardless of which of the CodeREV Kids classes you sign your kids up for, you can count on them being able to bring home everything they make, so they can keep working on it, show it to you, show it off to their friends – or do whatever they’d like with it! It all comes through on a Google Drive that you’ll have access to as well. Don’t worry, we’ll provide all the instructions necessary to download what’s needed to keep working on them. In the event you have trouble, just give us a call and we’ll help you with the process.

CodeREV Kids believes in every child and believes in the role of technology in building bright futures. We’d be honored to work with your child this summer. Call us today for more information.

The Future is Digital and Other Reasons Your Kids Need to Learn to Code

If you look at the jobs that have been booming in the last decade, it’s not hard to see that there’s one sector that’s here to stay: Technology. It’s difficult to imagine a career today that doesn’t involve digital technology in some way, from cell phones to email to in-depth html. At CodeREV Kids, we think it’s important for kids to get involved in the digital world as early as possible.

Why wait until college for your child to learn to code?

It wasn’t long ago that students could only hope to learn how to code when they got to college. Today, kids often teach themselves in high school or even as early as middle school. But why should they have to teach themselves? The good news is that now that we’re around, they don’t have to.

Learning early means a deeper understanding of a wide range of topics

If students learn how to code at an early age, they’ll also get the benefits of learning to code at an early age. For example, coding helps teach children logic, advanced thinking, and problem solving. You’ve likely heard that the earlier a child learns a language, the easier it is. The same is true of coding because it is indeed a new language.

Your kids deserve the best education

When you think of the best education for your kids, what do you think of? Do you think only of getting good grades? Do you think of them embracing critical thinking skills? Do you think of them learning skills that will actually be useful after they’ve graduated from high school and college? No matter which of those definitions you’d chose – or what combination of them – there’s no question that we can offer a truly excellent education when it comes to coding.

Teach valuable skills today in an environment kids enjoy

We know that if you tried to sit your kids down and teach them how to be a CEO at seven years old, they’d soon get bored. That’s why teaching kids coding is much more appealing than helping them prepare for any other type of career: It’s fun to learn. From our Minecraft servers to our flexible, at their own pace classes, we have options that your kids can get excited about. CodeREV Kids is here to make it a reality – just reach out to us for more information.

CodeREV Kids Spring Camps Are Just Around the Corner

We’re excited about our upcoming spring camps and look forward to seeing kids returning and our newest additions too. If you have questions about the possibilities, be sure to reach out to us. We offer a wide range of coding classes, from camps to at-their-own-pace classes. We believe strongly that every kid can learn to code and we’re here to help!

Spring camp dates

We have several locations with spring camps and they all run from March 27th through April 14th. Note that these are three separate class groups. The first meets on March 27th through March 31st, the second meets April 3rd through April 8th, and the final session is April 10th through April 14th.

Choose a half day or full day

When you sign up, you can decide if you want your kids to come to us for a full day or a half day. The full day begins at 9 AM and is over at 4 PM and the half day begins at 9 AM and ends at 12:30 PM. Note that kids get to bring their own lunches and snacks to ensure everyone gets what they want and can easily accommodate their own food sensitivities or allergies.

Pricing and locations for spring coding camps

The price of the camp you choose will vary based on whether or not you want a half day or full day, and whether or not you want to bring your kid the entire day. On a per-day basis it’s $60 for a half day and $110 for a full day, while a full week is $540. We’re going to have four locations available in several cities: Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Irvine, and San Diego.

There are numerous classes in both the micro and macro options

Our grouping is as follows. We have micro classes with 6 and 7 year olds and with 8 and 9 year olds. Our macro classes are broken into 10 to 12 year olds and 12 to 14 year olds. The micro classes are offered in three options, including Minecraft level design, Adventures in Programming, and MathCraft. Macro course options include Modding in Minecraft and Game Development.

Do you have questions about these or other coding classes offered by CodeREV Kids? Feel free to reach out to us and we can work to find you the right classes for your kids.

What’s the CodeREV Difference?

At CodeREV Kids, we’re excited to see that coding camps and coding classes for kids are popping up all over the country. While we think that virtually any introduction to coding is a good thing, we also want to point out why we think our classes and camps are unique. Here are some of the things you can count on when you bring your kids to us. Feel free to give us a call if you have additional questions – or sign up for classes online!

Our classes are taught by real programmers who have teaching experience

Some of the classes out there are taught by either programmers who know their jobs every well but aren’t familiar with the best ways to teach, or teachers who are excellent at their jobs but don’t have an advanced understanding of the subject matter. At CodeREV Kids, we think it’s important to have both. That’s why our instructors are programmers who also have teaching experience.

Our student to teacher ratio is low

It’s no surprise that the fewer kids there are in a particular class, the more attention they can get and the more likely they will be to feel supported by the teaching staff. You’ll find many of our classes with a maximum of five students to every one teacher. We always tell you what the student to teacher ratio will be so you can choose a class that gives your child the attention they deserve.

Our curriculum is designed by the best

When you trust your kids with us for coding classes, you’re not just taking them to a camp run by tech geeks who are winging it. No, o we use a curriculum that was designed with world class education experts as well as professional developers. We’ve done our best to give you the best of both worlds.

Your child can find a class that’s suited to their level

You don’t want your child who’s never coded a thing in their life to walk into a classroom with advanced students, and you don’t want your advanced student to get bored while an instructor explains the basics. That’s why we have a wide range of classes that offer enough variety that every child can find the level they’re suited for.

If you want your child to learn how to code in an environment that’s ripe with the latest technology – including virtual reality – then it’s time you seriously considered CodeREV Kids.

Not All Coding Classes Are Created Equal

There’s plenty of information out there about the advantages of getting kids involved in coding but don’t make the mistake of assuming that any coding class is as good as another. At CodeREV Kids, we take care to ensure that our classes are the best you’ll find anywhere. Here are some factors to consider if you’re comparing your options.

Learning should be personal

Learning doesn’t happen magically just because a kids sits in a class, opens a book, or completes a task. Learning is a personal process and your child doesn’t have the exact same needs as anyone else. That’s why we offer a wide range of coding classes, including Online Classes that allow your child to learn at their own pace. You want the best solution for your child and so do we!

We use technology in innovative ways

Kids growing up in today’s world speak tech as a first language. Often they’ve been typing on keyboards and swiping screens for many years before they get to us. That’s why we believe that the best way to get them involved in STEM learning is by engaging them with technology. We have unique web portals, including a wide range of Minecraft servers, that help them learn in ways that they’re actually excited to learn in.

Kids need a balance between guidance and practice

Think about this situation: Someone walks up to you, gives you a golf club, and asks you to swing for half an hour. At the end of that 30 minutes, a teacher comes up and tells you what you’ve been doing incorrectly. While it may have seemed useful to spend those 30 minutes practicing, in the end you were simply teaching yourself to swing in the wrong way.

You can see with this example that self-learning has limits. At CodeREV Kids, we’re always looking for ways to find the perfect balance between helping your child build self-confidence and ensuring we’re helping as much as we can. Our teachers aren’t just there to instruct – they’re also working hard every day to inspire and challenge every student.

When your child comes to us, they’ll get hands-on experience along with time to practice on their own. We offer a low stress, small group teaching environment where your child can master concepts with a minimum of frustration – all while they’re building their self-confidence and their problem-solving skills.