Are Grade Trackers a Good Idea for Kids?

At CodeREV Kids, we’ve seen a lot of advice for parents to use grade trackers. In fact, we’ve seen this suggestion so much that we put on our thinking caps to try and decide if it makes sense or not. For those of you who don’t know, a grade tracker is exactly what you’d imagine: It’s a spot where you list and monitor the grades of your child. Your child’s school may have this available through their website or you can use an academic planner to create your own.

Are they good or bad?

As with virtually any other recommendation for kids, grade trackers have both positives and negatives and it’s important to know that your student will out get something out if it if it’s used consistently and in the right way. In fact, it’s similar to our coding classes in that if kids are open to them, they’re likely to do well. Here are some of the things we like about grade trackers for kids:

  • You get a real-time overview. Kids are growing up in a world where we all get instant updates on almost everything. Why not extend that to grades? Why wait until the end of the term to find out if your child is struggling? Grade trackers give you an update on a regular basis, which allows you to make adjustments when there’s still time to make a difference in their grade.
  • Your child will have a better idea of their teacher’s expectations. It’s no secret that different teachers expect different things from their students. A grade tracker makes it easy to see which classes your child needs to focus on and allows you and / or your child to discuss expectations directly with the teacher when necessary.
  • It has an effect on goal planning. More and more research is showing that it’s a good idea for kids to have both long-term and short-term goals and to learn early how important it is to meet them. Grade trackers allow them to follow up on their goals and see how they’re doing.
  • It can boost confidence and motivation. One of the things that parents love so much about the classes offered at CodeREV Kids is that they not only teach kids things, but they boost their confidence. Grade trackers have been shown to have the same effect.

Are grade trackers good for every kid? Probably not. But when used in conjunction with other measures, they’re a great way for kids and parents to stay up to date on education.

Out of the Box Ideas to Help Improve Your Child’s Writing

Regardless of your child’s future educational or career goals, there’s no question that being able to clearly, concisely, and compellingly write is a skill that will serve them well in school, work, and their entire life. Being able to write clearly reflects the fact that a child is able to think clearly. Many parents just have their kids write something every day, but at CodeREV Kids, we’re always looking for unique ways to get kids motivated. Here are some of the out of the box ideas we’ve come up with.

Visit the grandparents

Before teaching your child how to write things down on paper, they first must understand how a story is told well and organically. The stories older folks can tell are truly amazing! Take your child to an elder and prompt that elder to tell a unique story. Afterwards, sit down with your child and have them re-tell the story. Give them constructive ideas on what they could have left out or added in to make the story more compelling or clearer.

Get a pen pal

One of the things we’ve learned at CodeREV Kids is that kids will learn better and absorb more information when it’s not just told to them but when they’re learning it in a hand’s-on environment. If you want your kids to learn to write more clearly, then get them writing about something they’re interested in. There are all sorts of pen pal programs out there that can pair up your kids with a child down the street or across the world.

Boost their confidence

In many cases, the issues with writing come from a child lacking confidence. They don’t think they’re a good writer and so they’re afraid to try, or they don’t think they have anything unique or interesting to say and so they’re afraid to pick up a pen. When you change the focus to something like coding classes, your child will experience a boost in confidence. They’ll also get a better understanding of the many different types of creativity out there.

Are you ready to get your kid ready for the rest of their life? If so, CodeREV Kids is just the partner you need. Check out our classes online, sign up for options at your own pace, or give us a call for advice on what will work best for your kid.

Why Are STEM Based Projects So Popular in Schools?

If you’ve been in an advanced classroom recently then you’ve likely seen some hands-on STEM based experiments going on. But why is the demand for STEM so popular, seemingly all of a sudden? Why is this acronym, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, now a part of a parent’s vocabulary? CodeREV Kids is here to help it all make sense.

STEM does a lot for kids

It’s not a coincidence that classrooms across the country are embracing STEM. It helps increase a kid’s ability to solve problems, it encourages active learning, and it keeps kids engaged. The skills it teaches are crucial for success in the 21st century, and it’s a way to get kids involved in not just a single subject but at least two at a time – which teaches kids not just what they need to know but why they need to know it.

There’s a huge demand for STEM workers

According to the latest stats from the Department of Labor, there will be almost 1.5 million new information technology jobs by 2020. Not only is the demand for these jobs high, but these are jobs that may more than average. Of course, not all STEM jobs are the same – the Department of Labor predicts that the best and most in-demand jobs will be in engineering and technology.

It’s not all about jobs

No matter what career a field a child decides to go into later down the line, most parents want their children to be scientifically literate. They want them to know the difference between a fact and an opinion. They want them to be able to research and figure out what’s real and what’s not.

Project-based learning is important

In many cases, STEM-based classes are project based, which has gotten an increasingly good rep as the best way to teach kids. When kids learn via project-based learning, they don’t just memorize facts, they actually learn how to apply their new skills to real life situations. The types of classes offered by CodeREV Kids helps improve project planning skills, collaboration, and communication – all of which are useful skills for kids to have.

If you’re interested in getting your kids involved in STEM-based, hands-on learning, then it’s time to reach out to CodeREV Kids! We offer tons of class options and are happy to speak with you if you need help deciding what the best classes for your kids would be.

Not All Coding Classes Are Created Equal

There’s plenty of information out there about the advantages of getting kids involved in coding but don’t make the mistake of assuming that any coding class is as good as another. At CodeREV Kids, we take care to ensure that our classes are the best you’ll find anywhere. Here are some factors to consider if you’re comparing your options.

Learning should be personal

Learning doesn’t happen magically just because a kids sits in a class, opens a book, or completes a task. Learning is a personal process and your child doesn’t have the exact same needs as anyone else. That’s why we offer a wide range of coding classes, including Online Classes that allow your child to learn at their own pace. You want the best solution for your child and so do we!

We use technology in innovative ways

Kids growing up in today’s world speak tech as a first language. Often they’ve been typing on keyboards and swiping screens for many years before they get to us. That’s why we believe that the best way to get them involved in STEM learning is by engaging them with technology. We have unique web portals, including a wide range of Minecraft servers, that help them learn in ways that they’re actually excited to learn in.

Kids need a balance between guidance and practice

Think about this situation: Someone walks up to you, gives you a golf club, and asks you to swing for half an hour. At the end of that 30 minutes, a teacher comes up and tells you what you’ve been doing incorrectly. While it may have seemed useful to spend those 30 minutes practicing, in the end you were simply teaching yourself to swing in the wrong way.

You can see with this example that self-learning has limits. At CodeREV Kids, we’re always looking for ways to find the perfect balance between helping your child build self-confidence and ensuring we’re helping as much as we can. Our teachers aren’t just there to instruct – they’re also working hard every day to inspire and challenge every student.

When your child comes to us, they’ll get hands-on experience along with time to practice on their own. We offer a low stress, small group teaching environment where your child can master concepts with a minimum of frustration – all while they’re building their self-confidence and their problem-solving skills.

Can You Guess What the Best Paying Jobs in the Country Are?

Many people are likely not surprised that many of the best paying jobs in the United States are those held by doctors. According to a recent article in Business Insider, The Highest Paying Jobs in America, people in the medical field make up about half of the top 25 best paying jobs, with anesthesiologists topping the list as the best paid. But what about the others? Some were surprising to us at CodeREV Kids, but some weren’t surprising at all.

Some jobs surprised us

Would you have guessed that pilots are one of the top 25 best-paid professionals in the United States? Or that marketing managers were? Of course, CEOs are on the list, but they’re not nearly as high as we would have expected. Another big surprise was the six-figure salary of the average Physician Assistant. They must complete about 2 ½ years of post-graduate schooling, but that’s a lot less than doctors, and they can make more than some doctors, depending on the specialty of the doctor.

There was one entry on the list that didn’t surprise us at all

The least surprising job on this list came in at Number 20: Computer and Information Systems Managers. According to the article, their mean annual salary was $132,570. The article also said that there were more than 315,000 people currently working with this job title. That’s pretty impressive – and may make some worry if that’s a bubble that’s about to burst. Quite the contrary.

According to the article, the projected job growth in this industry is a whopping 15% between the time of the survey and 2020. At CodeREV Kids, this isn’t surprising. In fact, we know that there are going to be millions of jobs in the computer industry that aren’t going to get filled for no reason other than that there won’t be enough qualified people to take them.

Getting kids involved early is a great way to prepare them for a future career

At CodeREV Kids, we offer a host of classes that can get kids involved in coding, problem-solving, and the latest technological innovations. Whether they go on to be computer and information systems managers or something else entirely, it’s hard to argue against the fact that technology is here to stay and will be relevant to virtually any job they may want. Contact us today for more info on our many class offerings.

10 Things for Parents to Love About Minecraft

If you’re a parent of a child who loves to play Minecraft, then here’s some good news for you: It may actually be a great thing that they love the game! At CodeREV Kids, we’re always looking for ways to get kids excited about technology and Minecraft is a great way to do that. In fact, here are then things to love about your kid playing Minecraft.

  • It’s a great way for them to learn. Sure, it’s marketed as a game, but Minecraft has huge potential for education. In fact, it’s used in classrooms across the world to teach language, math, history, and concepts like logic and problem solving.
  • It makes kids think. It’s not just any other video game, where your kid just stares at a screen and pushes buttons once in a while. Think of it instead like an immersive, interactive playground that constantly challenges kids and requires them to come up with solutions for complex problems.
  • It’s safe. There’s nothing adult about this game. No drugs, bad language, guns, blood, etc.
  • It not only inspires creativity; it rewards it. Kids have to be curious to make it in Minecraft, and when their creativity shines, they get instant rewards from the game.
  • It requires deep focus. Kids must keep track of numerous tasks at once when they play Minecraft. It’s easy to see how that’s a skill that could be useful in the real world.
  • It increases computer literacy. Not only can kids play Minecraft, but they can actually modify the game. In fact, that’s where CodeREV Kids can come in. We offer some really unique and interesting Minecraft classes that teach your kids more than they bargained for.
  • It’s customizable. It’s such a flexible game that Minecraft can be tailored to your child’s ability, interests, etc. For example, you can turn off the monsters, you can set goals for your kids, or you could make the challenges easier or more difficult.
  • It’s an inclusive game. No matter what a kid’s interest is, they’re likely to have it met with Minecraft, whether they like building stuff, designing things, or they just want to fight monsters.
  • It encourages teamwork. If you want your kids to be good at collaboration, Minecraft is a great way to get them there.
  • It’s not an expensive game. You do have to pay for the initial game, but after that all the updates are free. This is great news in a world where it seems every video game requires expensive upgrades and mods.

Do you have questions about this game or other options to get your kids excited about STEM fields? Reach out to CodeREV Kids and let us help today!

Who Really Benefits from STEM?

There’s a lot of talk about STEM education in schools these days, and the ways it will benefit students, but some parents have started to ask: Who does it really benefit? At CodeREV Kids, we believe strongly in STEM education for all kids, especially those curious about the ways technology works or those who already love playing video games, but we’re also interested in the deeper aspects of who really benefits when these programs are implemented.

A focus on STEM education can help break down barriers

If you look at the current professionals in the STEM fields, it’s easy to see there there’s a serious lack of diversity. This refers both to gender diversity and ethnic diversity. One of the great things about getting STEM classes in front of kids at an early age, is that it can change then. It can break through gender roles. It can break barriers of income, education, and ethnicity.

We live in a global world

It would be hard to argue that the world is not becoming more global. The economy is global in many respects, and finding new people for STEM careers is important if we want our economy to grow. Every single decision we make uses some aspect of STEM, but too often it’s not taught this way. CodeREV Kids and other organizations around the country are trying to change that.

The entire country benefits from STEM classes

The answer to the question is pretty simple: Everyone in the U.S. benefits if our kids are taught the principles of STEM. If overall STEM education isn’t prioritized in this country, then we can easily continue our fall from world rankings in science, math, and other essential subjects. This could prevent us from keeping our global position.

STEM education helps spark an interest in STEM careers in children as young as 3. While schools are more and more frequently offering some type of STEM, coding, or robotics classes, it’s important to not put the entire burden on them. Remember that schools across the country are often underfunded and understaffed. Many teachers aren’t much more familiar than you are with certain aspects of technology.

That’s where programs like CodeREV Kids comes in. We are here to help boost confidence, encourage problem solving, and teach critical thinking skills. To learn more about what we can offer your child, contact us today!

What is STEM and Why is it So Important to Kids?

A recent study by the U.S. Department of commerce shows that occupations involving STEM are growing at 17%. Other occupations? They’re growing at less than 10%. People who have a degree in a STEM field have a higher income than those who are involved in other careers. In fact, science, technology, engineering, and math workers are not only currently playing an essential role in sustaining the U.S. economy, but they will remain a critical component well into the future.

STEM education creates more than you may think

Many parents are surprised to learn that STEM education does a lot more than they think. In fact, it can boost science literacy, create kids who think critically, and enable an entire generation to be more than workers but to be innovators. Innovation is a necessary part of a continually growing economy. It’s clear from stats and observation that most future jobs will require at least a basic understanding of science and math.

What exactly is STEM?

STEM is an acronym that stands in for “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It’s an essential part of everything we do every day. Science is all around us, technology is quickly expanding into every aspect of daily life, engineering is the basic foundation for roads, bridges, and taking on environmental concerns, and mathematics is used in every job and in every activity we do.

When students are exposed to STEM and given the chance to really explore concepts related to STEM, they’re more likely to take a deep interest and may end up pursuing a job in STEM. Programs like those CodeREV Kids offers gives them a chance to get involved in a hands-on way that can unleash a passion for learning you didn’t know was there. We strive to make math and science not just subjects to memorize, but important concepts that are fun and interesting.

Why is STEM so important?

The National Science Foundation is on record stating that in the 21st century, science and technology have become more important than ever before. As the world becomes more globalized, and the economy focuses more on knowledge than labor, kids will need STEM skills to succeed. Remember that STEM classes can help kids be more creative, to be better problem solvers, and to learn how to engage in the world around them instead of simply memorizing facts.

How Can We Best Prepare Kids for the World of Tomorrow?

Every parent wants to prepare their child for their future but in today’s world, it can feel more complicated than ever. At CodeREV Kids, we believe that before we can figure out how to best prepare kids for the future, we must consider what the future will actually look like.

Kids are growing up in a world that wants their attention 24/7

Think about how many sounds you hear every day, just from your cell phone. With its dings, vibrations, and ringing, you can see that the world is simply trying to gain our attention all the time. While you may wish for a different world, this is the reality. Kids must be taught to cope with a world that wants their attention all the time. Remember that for many of us, this is a new novelty but for kids it’s the way it’s always been.

Kids are growing up in a world where communication is done through technology

Do you teach your kids manners for real life situations? Of course you do – it’s been common practice for centuries. Yet many parents don’t think about teaching their kids manners online. They need to know they’re expected to be honest and kind, whether in real life or online. A lot of this is taught by the way you act. Kids notice more than you think.

Kids are growing up in a world that’s driven by technology

Technology gives a lot to kids, but it can also come with negative aspects. You don’t want technology to totally consume your child’s life, but you do want to be prepared for the real world. What do you do? At CodeREV Kids, we have a lot of solutions for you! You can start by making sure that their screen time is put to good use. Check out the classes we offer and let us turn technology from a negative to a positive.

Kids are growing up in a world with endless information – and not all of it is accurate

Kids are growing up in a world where any piece of information they want is available at their fingertips. There’s just one problem: It’s not always accurate information. Do your kids know how to find the truth? Do they know what steps to take to verify any source? These are things kids must learn if they’re going to be contributing members of society.

Are Your Kids Ready to Code? Upcoming Options to Get Them Inspired

At CodeREV Kids we’re always looking for new, exciting, dynamic ways to get kids excited about learning technology. It’s not hard, given the fact that kids are surrounded by technology in their daily lives, and are naturally curious, but it’s our goal to always offer up-to-date and useful classes they can take with them for years to come. Here are some of our upcoming classes that may be of interest to your kids.

Modding for Minecraft: Kids Ages 8-10

This Monday night class takes advantage of a unique system we use that doesn’t require much typing at all. The classes involve creating mods in Minecraft that will impress even the tech savviest of kids. It’s a great way for your kids to learn the basics of coding, the logic required to write programs, and problem-solving skills. It’s an incredible opportunity to take part in an engaging and empowering class.

Mathcraft: Kids Ages 7-10

A Wednesday night class on Mathcraft is a great choice for kids ages 7 – 10. In this unique class, parents watch their children actually be thrilled to learn math! It’s a must-do for any parent that wants their kids to not only get math at a deeper level, but to enjoy it. The class involves kids building math problems within Minecraft and then solve them with our unique Mathcraft program. They’ll also be using our own economy system, which gives them a chance to solve realistic economy based problems.

Unreal Game Dev: Kids 11+

This is a class designed for older kids and it happens on Saturdays. Kids will start by learning the game engine called Unreal. They’ll then use a professional game making tool that was used to make the level of games you can buy on the shelves today. They’ll get to have fun playing with virtual reality in the new Vive, and they’ll be taking part of a truly innovative experience. For kids with an interest in VR, there may be no better choice.

Flex classes may be a better option for your child

At CodeREV Kids, we also offer flex schedule classes, which allow you to switch up your times to ensure you find a balance that works for you. These classes begin with a 1.5-hour assessment to see where your child is today and where they’d like to go. The learning is then paced for their specific needs.