4 Tips for Teachers Who Want to Incorporate Coding into the Classroom

Are you a teacher who would like to integrate coding and / or robotics into your classroom? Or are you a parent who wants to talk to your local school district about integrating coding and robotics but you want to walk in armed with some knowledge? CodeREV Kids knows that kids benefit from learning coding in many ways and we’re here to share some tips to help teachers incorporate technology into the classroom.

1. Choose the right platform for your needs

There are some types of robotics and coding that take hours just to get started, while other options can be begun quickly. Some need to be completed in one session while other lessons can be spread out over time. Ease-of-use should be a top priority for every age, from kindergarten to high school. Do plenty of research before deciding where to begin.

2. You don’t have to develop everything from scratch

This is not a situation where you need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, make use of existing lesson plans. Trying to develop your own plans from scratch is both impractical and intimidating. Look for content that’s already available or speak to teachers who’ve already been through the process of beginning a robotics and / or coding project.

3. Use technology to learn how to teach technology

You’ll find plenty of resources online but remember that technology changes almost at the speed of light. By the time you find a blog that details how to start classes in coding, that blog may not contain the latest information. Use Twitter, where people are constantly sharing the latest information, or find online groups that exchange ideas.

4. Follow the lead of the students when appropriate

Once you’ve taught kids the basics, they’ll be off and running. There’s no reason not to let them design their own projects. Not only does it take the pressure off the teacher, but it gets the imagination of everyone in the class running on overtime.

Do you have questions about why kids should learn coding? Or do you want to enroll your child in a Southern California coding class? At CodeREV Kids, we’ve been passionate about these topics for many years. We are your top choice for fun, innovative, and ongoing technology classes for kids. Reach out to us today to find out how we can help your kid achieve their wildest coding dreams.

Tips for Teaching Robotics and Coding to Kids with Special Needs

Robotics and coding are excellent skills for any child to learn but this is especially true of kids with special needs. At CodeREV Kids, we’ve taught kids all age ranges how to get involved with coding and robotics. Here are some tips we came across on how to get special needs kids involved.

Start with short activities

Begin each lesson with basic actions to show them what robots are capable of. Use a single, simple behavior at first and give kids a small challenge to go along with it. One example is to teach a child who to make a robot turn left and then challenge them to make it turn around six times. You can introduce other behaviors similarly.

Use step-by-step prompts

One fun way to teach any kid robotics is to encourage them to use their own bodies to plan their programs. For example, they can get down to the robot’s perspective and act out the behaviors of the robot. They can then use step-by-step prompts to make the robot do what they want.

Take advantage of the think aloud model

The think aloud model is very useful when teaching kids to code. Essentially, you explain your thought process as you show the kids how to solve a challenge. Then let them talk out loud as they solve it themselves. This allows you to see how their mind works when solving challenges and gives you an easy way to step in and correct them at the exact moment they need help.

Set tasks for specific kids

One of the most important things is to design and modify tasks for specific kids. For example, you can use redundant text for kids who need additional help, can provide background information specific to each task so they’ll better understand it, add organization, or begin with very easy tasks and then very slowly add on until they can handle the difficult tasks.

If you want your kid to learn coding then CodeREV Kids is the company you want to work with. We offer a huge variety of classes, including flex-course classes that allow your kids to work at their own pace, as well as more structured classes. Do you need information on how your child could best start the process? Contact us today and let us help you understand the ways we’re here to teach your kids.

6 Skills Kids Can Learn by Studying Robotics

Do kids have fun studying robotics? You bet they do! But one of the best things about this field of study is that it can teach them a variety of skills – many of which kids may not even know they’re learning. At CodeREV Kids we’re always excited to see kids develop on their own and here are six ways they can do that by studying robotics.

1. Kids build their scientific knowledge

When kids work with robotics, they learn all sorts of scientific concepts like light, force, speed, sound, electromagnetics, and more. They learn how to use the right tools for different purposes. They learn not just how to use these concepts within the world of robotics but beyond.

2. Kids learn more about technology

It’s no surprise that kids learn technological skills while studying robotics but you may be surprised by how far these skills can take them. Believe it or not, programming is becoming a highly sought after language and kids can learn everything from Android to Apple. They’ll learn the basic tenants of coding and how what they do can create robotic movement.

3. Kids get a solid foundation in engineering

Do you think your kid is too young to learn about engineering? Think again. By engaging in robotics, kids will learn how to create a problem statement, how to analyze it, and how to design and test solutions. These are the same steps that professional engineers take when faced with a problem.

4. Mathmatic skills are increased

Applied mathematics is an integral part of every CodeREV Kids class. No matter where they are in their math skills, we can help improve them simply by teaching them robotic skills. They’ll learn everything from measurements to creating and using formulas.

5. Kids will learn how to collaborate

Does your child have trouble working win groups? Whether they’re simply shy or they prefer to work alone, by learning robotics they’ll also learn how important it can be to collaborate to solve problems, plan solutions, allocate tasks, and execute tasks as a group. Similar to how they would perform a team sport, they’ll divide tasks and rotate to complete them throughout a specific project.

6. Kids can learn the basics of marketing

Depending on the specific class your child takes with us, they may prepare and present their solution and their robotics program to the other groups. This requires them to think critically in a different way and can boost their marketing knowledge.

A Parent’s Guide to Minecraft Modding

If you’re one of the many parents who’s heard about Minecraft modding from your kids but aren’t exactly sure what it is, then CodeREV Kids is here to help. Believe it or not, your kids are learning a lot from this process but there are ways you can ensure they get the most from this learning experience.

What exactly is Minecraft?

Often compared to Legos, Minecraft is a game that takes place online and allows players to build and then explore worlds they create out of 3D blocks. Anything your kids imagine can be built. One of the reasons this game is so popular is because it’s completely open-ended, which allows them to use their imaginations to make it whatever they want it to be. It’s also a great way for them to learn about the power of perseverance and troubleshooting.

The basics of Minecraft modding

Modding can involve everything from minor changes like making rainbow-colored chickens, to significant changes that impact the entire game. Modding is a way for your kids to build structures with code instead of having to use one block at a time. In fact, they can make their own game within the game if they’re able to program new sets of rules and situations.

There can be issues with Minecraft modding

At CodeREV Kids we’re big fans of Minecraft modding but it can be very challenging for non-programmers – which is why there are many ways for kids to “learn” modding. The problem with these programs are aplenty:

  • They don’t really teach kids to code
  • Kids simply use pre-made mods they download online and copy and paste the files
  • There’s no natural progression that allows kids to evolve as modders
  • Parents are forced to pay for servers and set up files
  • These servers could be insecure or unsafe.

Work with CodeREV Kids for a totally different experience

When you send your kids to coding classes with CodeREV kids, we don’t just give them codes to copy and paste, we teach them to code and create their own Minecraft mods. We do this in ways that are fun and creative and show them how coding can be a tool that will bring their imagination to life. We cover everything they need, from tools to servers, and your kids can learn at their own pace. To learn more about our many options, contact us today!

You May Be Surprised by the Ways Coding Can Help Your Children Excel

If you’re like many parents, you may think of coding as a technical skill. While it certainly is a technical skill, it’s also a lot more. It helps kids interact with the digital world in a different way and encourages them to become makers instead of doers. Studies have shown that coding improves computational thinking skills, which can give incredible advantages you may not have thought.

Coding is a great way for your children to practice math in the real world

People used to say that if a person is interested in programming then they should get good at math. Now it looks like the opposite may be true. Parents and educators alike agree that when kids learn how to code, their math skills are naturally improved – and they claim that math is more fun. Indeed, it certainly ends that age-old question kids typically have of math: When are we even going to use this?

Coding can help improve writing skills

Above all else, coding is creative. It allows children to combine their love of technology with a (sometimes) newfound love of art. Kids can tell interactive stories, they can create their own storytelling parties, and they can learn new skills that will improve their writing – all while having the time of their lives.

If you want to boost creativity then coding is a great place to start

There’s plenty of research out there that creativity isn’t just something we’re born with – it’s a skill that can be taught and that can be developed. When kids learn coding, they cultivate three qualities that can all improve creativity:

  1. Whole-brain thinking
  2. A desire to become a creator
  3. The mindset of an experimenter

Confidence is important and coding can help increase it

Don’t get stuck thinking that the only reason you’d want your kid to learn how to code is because you want them to grow up and become a programmer. While it’s true that it may open up doors in the future – in a variety of fields – it’s also true that psychologists agree that the way to boost confidence in kids is to boost independence and problem-solving. Coding can do all that and more.

Are you ready to learn more? CodeREV Kids is here to teach your kids the fundamentals of this exciting, invigorating, and creative field.

Top 4 Reasons to Give Your Daughter Coding Lessons

At CodeREV Kids we believe that every child can benefit from learning to code. Unfortunately, we live in a world where boys are often encouraged to go into STEM fields more than girls are. We urge the parents of girls to get them involved too! Here are just four of the many reasons it’s a great move.

1. Coding is a lot of fun!

Once your daughter learns how to code, she’ll be able to express herself in totally new ways. She can design games, build her own apps, and turn almost any idea into a virtual reality that’s within her reach. It can be used for all sorts of school work from art projects to math problems. Teaching girls to code gives them a feeling of ownership and a sense of pride in what they’ve created.

2. Coding teaches critical thinking skills

When a kid learns to code, they’re learning more than just how to copy and paste. They’re actually developing logic and analytical reasoning intuitively. This can help your daughter excel in any area she’d like to explore in the future. She can transfer these skills from the computer to the real world. And that’s a win-win.

3. It’s the language of the 21st Century

Did you know that some schools are starting to allow kids to take coding classes and counting them toward their foreign language credits? That may seem crazy to someone who hasn’t ever learned to code but the truth is that coding makes it easier to learn other languages and it promotes some of the other elements that are considered advantages of learning another language. It helps kids learn roots, structures, and critical thinking – all of which are part of learning another language.

4. It shouldn’t be thought of as a “boys field”

Today there are tons of organizations that exist just to encourage girls to code. Why coding? Because it boosts self-esteem. Because it encourages both independent thinking and group-working. Because it’s a way for kids to not just use technology but interact with it.

At CodeREV, we think these are all worthwhile reasons for anyone to learn coding but we feel it’s especially important for girls to know that they’re welcome and encouraged to be a part of this field. Are you interested in getting your son or daughter involved in coding? CodeREV’s classes are designed to do just that!

Where Do You Stand? Should Coding Be Counted as a Foreign Language?

There’s a movement by some parents and a group of lawmakers to get computer coding classes counted as foreign language credits in schools across the country. While it did hit a snag recently, those who feel strongly that they should be counted as school credits aren’t giving up. Then again, neither is the side that thinks they shouldn’t be counted. Where do you fall?

The current hubbub is going in Florida, where a former executive at Yahoo has proposed a bill that would have allowed high schools to provide coding classes and to have them counted as foreign language credits. Supporters say there are a lot of reasons to do this, including the fact that more kids would sign up for coding and they’d gain essential skills for the workplace. The bill actually passed the state Senate but wasn’t able to pass in the Florida house. Other states are considering it too, including Georgia and Washington.

In Texas, high school students have been able to count computer science classes as foreign language credits for several years – but the student must have already taken a foreign language class and not done well in it. Supporters of that type of bill state that it’s a great choice for kids who don’t have an easy time with foreign languages.

Those who support proposals to allow any student to use a coding class in place of a foreign language have some solid points to make. First, they point out that most students don’t take enough foreign language classes to become fluent and most don’t ever use what they’ve learned again in their life. They also say that coding is a language – and that it can be useful for kids for the rest of their lives.

Of course, those who don’t support the measures have their own strong points too. For example, they say that exchanging a skill isn’t the same thing as learning a foreign language. They also say that learning a language isn’t the only reason for foreign language classes. They’re also designed to teach students about different cultures and different ways of communicating.

Where do you stand? At CodeREV Kids, we’re on the record as supporting the idea that kids need to learn coding. In fact, we have a convenient description of exactly why coding is important. We’re also here to help your kids learn, whether your public schools offer options or not.

How Important is it to Teach Children to Code?

Coders are highly paid, in high demand, and have opportunities at some of the biggest companies in the world. You’d think this would be enough for schools to start teaching coding but it’s not the case in countries like Australia – or in many parts of the U.S. Though a recent article in PC World, We must teach kids coding: The keys to a digital future focuses on Australian children, it’s just as applicable here in the states.

Kids are especially suitable to get into coding

Today’s children grow up with technology, for better or worse. They are essentially natives of the digital age and are especially poised to take on the challenges of today’s coding jobs. That said, the article points out that this experience could actually be part of the problem. Kids of yesteryear were passionate about finding ways to improve technology but today’s advances are so impressive that they’re no longer wondering how to do so.

There are many reasons it’s a good idea to get kids involved in coding

The article lists a number of reasons that it’s to everyone’s advantage to get kids involved in coding. First, the author discusses how it’s a great way to get kids inspired. There’s no question that the great advances of the past were a result of curious, inspired individuals. When kids get involved in coding, they’re engaging not just with the power of it, but with how it can help to both control and change the world.

It’s also a great way to help kids get ready for a future that will surely be full of interconnection at every turn. For example, when kids learn coding they’re not just being creative but are actually experiencing that creativity. They learn that that computer programming is fun. Whether they’re building robots, learning Minecraft, or something entirely different they’ll be challenged by technology like never before – and more in tune with the different processes that work together to create their favorite games.

There’s an easy way to get your kids involved

The good news is that you don’t have to wait for your local school to get on board with coding. Instead, turn to CodeREV Kids and let us inspire and teach your children. We have classes designed for kids of virtually every age and we also offer summer camps to get kids immersed in technology. Are you ready to learn more? Give us a call today!

Why Should You Choose CodeREV’s Vanilla Minecraft Server

Your kids love Minecraft and you love to know they’re safe and protected. CodeREV Kids has the perfect option to combine these two needs. Our vanilla server lets your kids play Minecraft with other kids, learn more about the platform, and play in an online environment that’s completely safe and always monitored.

Your kids will have access to popular plugins

Of course, the best safety in the world won’t work well if your kids want to log on to another server because they can’t get what they want. That’s why we offer not only the most popular plugins that kids play with online, but some we made just for our server. We have a truly expansive hub world and an enormous amount of fantastic stuff for kids to enjoy. There’s always something new to be discovered.

Some of the features you can expect with our Minecraft server

When you choose the CodeREV Kids vanilla Minecraft server, your kids will have access to a ton of features including:

  • A full economy that’s totally player driven.
  • A server that’s constantly monitored to ensure kids get a positive, clean, safe experience.
  • Minigames (in the process right now).
  • Only players we’ve approved have access to our server.
  • A huge player hub.
  • Block protection.
  • Anti-triefing plugins.

You have options in Minecraft servers

We know you have many options but we know we’re better than your other choices. Why? For a number of reasons, including these three:

  1. We’re smaller than many others which gives us more control when administrating the server.
  2. We’re super active in both building and helping players.
  3. We offer custom plugins that aren’t available anywhere else.

Our staff knows Minecraft in and out, from building to designing to engineering and beyond. Whether your kid wants to create a sprawling city or functional computer, we can help. We have filled our world with landmarks for kids to discover or they can become builders and create their own landmarks. We are highly versed in what needs to be done to ensure a safe, fun, educational experience for every child.

Of course, our server is hosted on blazing fast SSDs, a huge amount of DDR4 ECC RAM, the best Intel Xenon processors available, and an entire gigabit connection to ensure an incredible experience. Are you still not sure if this is the right choice? Take a look at our available Minecraft modded servers too.

5 Reasons Minecraft is Great for Kids

Minecraft, a build-and-survive game currently owned by Microsoft, is widely popular amongst children. This may give parents pause but the truth is that this is actually a great game for kids to get involved in. Here are five reasons CodeREV Kids thinks Minecraft is great for kids.

1. It boosts their creativity

Think of Minecraft like Legos for the computer. Your child can build virtually anything they set their mind to, but the great thing about it is that they can build even if they have no experience. Just like with Legos, they may start off with simple structures and blocks, but as they gain confidence there’s no limit to what they can create.

2. The skills it teaches can be used in the real world

There are many skills kids will learn while mastering Mindcraft that can be very useful in the real world. For example, resource management is integral to creating anything in the game, cost-benefit analysis is needed constantly, patience is a must, perseverance is required, and teamwork can also be learned if your kid plays online.

3. It can be played anywhere

Most video games work on specific systems or require specific hardware to work. On the other hand, Minecraft can be played just about anywhere, including on computers, tablets, smartphones, the vast majority of video game systems, and a number of handheld gaming systems.

4. It’s a kid-friendly option

Many parents don’t feel comfortable with the violence that’s present in many video games. While there are some elements of fighting in Minecraft, the graphics are made of blocks and there is no blood. There’s also a “peaceful” mode that can be turned on. If you choose it, your kids will play without enemies and it will be all but impossible to die.

5. Everyone in the family can get involved

Not only is it a great game for kids to play but their parents, siblings, and other family members can get involved too. You can teach them how to be good sports when things don’t go as planned, you can turn the game off when it’s time, and you can help give them advice. You can even create a character of your own and jump into their game from a smartphone, tablet, or other computer.

Are you interested in getting your kid involved in Minecraft? Let CodeREV Kids help pave the way!