Tag Archives: Coding Education

The 5 Best Coding Games to Make Learning Fun For Kids & Teens!

Looking for the best coding games for kids? Discover top-rated games that make coding exciting, engaging, and educational! 🎮👾

Gaming + Coding = The Perfect Learning Combo!
Did you know gamesrelated with coding help kids develop logical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity—all while having fun? Whether your child is a beginner or an aspiring game developer, these top 5 STEAM games will spark curiosity and make learning interactive & engaging!

1. Scratch (Ages 7-12)

Scratch is a drag-and-drop coding platform designed for beginners! Kids can create interactive stories, animations, and games while learning the basics of coding logic. (Free & Web-Based)
🎮 Try It Here: scratch.mit.edu

2. Minecraft: Education Edition (Ages 8-16)

This version of Minecraft teaches kids block-based coding while allowing them to build worlds, automate tasks, and even explore AI concepts! (Paid – PC & Mobile)

3. CodeCombat (Ages 10-17)

This game teaches real Python and JavaScript coding in a fun RPG-style format where students control characters using actual code! (Free & Paid Plans Available)

4. Roblox Studio (Ages 10-18)

Roblox isn’t just for playing—kids can learn Lua programming and build their own games & worlds! Perfect for aspiring game developers. (Free – PC & Mac)

5. Tynker (Ages 7-14)

A fantastic app for learning block coding, Python, and JavaScript through interactive lessons, puzzles, and game design. (Paid – Web & Mobile)

Final Thoughts: Get Started with Fun Coding Games Today!

Want your child to level up their coding skills in a hands-on environment? Join a coding summer camp or workshop and watch them build amazing games, apps, and robots! 🚀

👉 Sign Up for Coding Camp Here!

Code like a girl!

Does your daughter love any STEM subject? Girls who learn how to code may help preserve and boost their confidence. Here’s why and how to start coding like a girl:

Girls have been historically underrepresented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields. According to a recent study from Florida State University, many young girls who love STEM subjects may wind up abandoning these interests before high school or college. 

The study shows that part of the problem resides in a tendency among girls to underrate their own abilities in subjects like math or engineering, which later leads them to pursue other interests instead. That’s why girls need extra encouragement regarding STEM interests. And the sooner the better because often girls begin to drift away from their STEM-related interests as early as fifth or sixth grade.

That’s a shame because STEM education and careers play a vital role in shaping the future of our world and improving the quality of life for people. It also means that many highly-intelligent girls won’t explore their talents in the job market for these fields—ones that typically offer excellent job security and higher-than-average salaries.

Code like a girl

So here are some reasons why it’s important for girls to be encouraged and supported in STEM:


Women bring unique perspectives, experiences and problem-solving skills to STEM fields. Gender diversity leads to a more innovative and effective work environment.

Closing the Gender Pay Gap:

Women who work in STEM careers often earn higher salaries than those in non-STEM fields, helping to close the gender pay gap.

Improving the Representation of Women in Leadership Positions:

Encouraging girls to pursue STEM careers can help increase the representation of women in leadership positions, leading to a more balanced and inclusive workplace culture.

Solving Global Challenges:

STEM fields are at the forefront of solving some of the world’s biggest challenges, such as climate change and access to healthcare. By encouraging girls to participate in STEM, we are giving them the tools to make a positive impact on the world.

Encouraging Creativity and Innovation:

STEM careers encourage creativity and innovation, helping girls to develop important skills that can be applied in many different fields.

In conclusion, it’s essential to support and encourage both boys and girls to pursue STEM education and careers. Exposing children to different learning experiences increases the opportunities for them to find the right fit for what they like to do. By doing so, we can create a more diverse, equitable, and innovative future. Check out our STEM classes and camps so your daughter can code like a girl!

Robot Building and Coding for kids

Robot building and coding and programming are two activities that are becoming increasingly popular among kids, and for good reason. Not only are they fun and engaging, but they also provide a number of benefits that can help kids develop important skills for the future.

First, let’s talk about robot building

When kids build robots, they are engaging in hands-on learning that allows them to apply concepts they have learned in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classes. For example, they can learn about how gears and motors work, how to use sensors, and how to program their robot to perform specific tasks. This hands-on learning approach is more effective than traditional classroom learning because it allows kids to see the practical application of what they have learned. This is why we focus so much on hands-on activities and project-based learning and exploration at CodeREV STEM Camps.

gorls building robots

In addition, robot building helps kids develop problem-solving skills. Building a robot requires kids to think critically and creatively to solve problems that arise during the building process. For example, they might have to figure out how to make their robot move in a straight line or how to make it respond to certain sensors. By working through these challenges, kids learn how to break down problems into smaller parts, think logically, and come up with creative solutions.

Another great thing about robot building is that it helps kids develop teamwork skills. Often, kids work in groups to build robots, like campers do at CodeREV STEM Camps, which means they have to communicate effectively, share ideas, and collaborate to achieve a common goal. This is a valuable skill that will serve them well in the future, whether they pursue a career in STEM or not.

Now let’s talk about coding and programming

Coding and programming are essential skills for the future, as technology is clearly becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. By learning how to code, kids can create interactive games, animations, and other digital projects. They can also create programs that can solve problems, such as sorting a list of numbers or analyzing data.

Coding also helps kids develop problem-solving skills, just like robot building. When kids code, they have to think critically and creatively to solve problems that arise during the coding process. For example, they might have to figure out how to make a character move in a game or how to make a program respond to user input. By working through these challenges, kids learn how to break down problems into smaller parts, think logically, and come up with creative solutions.

kids coding at camp

Another great thing about coding and programming is that it helps kids develop computational thinking skills. Computational thinking is a problem-solving approach that involves breaking down a problem into smaller parts, creating a plan to solve the problem, and testing the plan to see if it works. This is an essential skill for the future, as more and more jobs require the ability to work with complex data and solve problems using technology.

Additionally, coding and programming help kids develop CREATIVITY. With coding, kids can create their own games, animations and digital projects, they can express themselves in unique ways and turn their imagination into reality. It also helps them in understanding the logic behind digital products and how they are made, which in return can help them in creating better designs and products. Thus, turning our kids into active creators (rather than passive consumers)!

In conclusion

Finally, coding and programming can help kids develop persistence and determination. Learning to code can be challenging, and kids will inevitably encounter problems and errors along the way. However, by learning to persist in the face of these challenges, kids can develop determination and a “can-do” attitude that will serve them well in the future.

In conclusion, robot building and coding and programming are two activities that are not only fun and engaging for kids but also provide a number of benefits that can help kids develop important skills for the future. From hands-on learning, problem-solving, teamwork, computational thinking, creativity, persistence, and determination, these activities offer a wealth of opportunities for kids to learn and grow while helping them prepare for the future.

Text-based and block-based coding for kids

Tech has become inevitably present in our everyday lives and will become even more so a few years from now. In consequence, tech or XXI century skills have passed from novelty to an actual necessity. Learning how to code has quickly become a must in every school, rather than just an elective. Coding enables children to express their creativity through another language, the language of the future.

You may be wondering if a child of any age can learn how to code…. well, believe it or not, the answer is yes. Even kids who can’t read and write yet can do it. Yes, as surprising as it might sound, it’s true. This is possible because there are 2 types of coding languages: block-based and text-based (line) code. Let’s explore a little bit more about the coding languages that your child can start with.

Block-based coding

About 20 years ago the MIT Media Lab introduced the concept of block-based code with a language named Scratch. The objective was to create a way to program computers by simply dragging and dropping puzzle blocks that represented complex programming commands. This new method opened the doors for kids to create through programming without having to write a single line of code. With block-based code, teaching and learning the basics of computer science became accessible to young learners.

Text-based and block-based coding for kids

But how does block-based code work? Block-based code, or visual coding, uses colorful drag and drop shapes in a workspace to simulate the coding. Children can create sequences of actions according to the color-coded categories they choose. There are movement blocks, control or events blocks, blocks for adding loops, variables, and functions. 

Block-based code is the simplest and most fun way for kids to start learning the logic of coding. The best thing about this is that despite being a simplified form of code, your children will be able to create and run games, apps and animations. Besides, block-based code will give them a solid basis to understand text-based code later.

Scratch is one of the most popular block-based coding languages out there. We actually use Scratch in some of our Micro Coding Classes because it favors pattern recognition, enhancing the understanding of the structure and logic behind programming. Additionally, block-based coding is a great first step for kids to go from the basics of programming to a more advanced level with text-based line code used by professionals.

Text-based coding

On the other hand, we have text-based line coding. This type of coding language is basically typing instructions while following syntax. Syntax, just like in spoken languages, is the grammar and spelling rules of a coding language. It can easily be introduced to kids after they understand block-based coding or if they are at an appropriate developmental age.

Learning the syntax of text-based coding languages is easier when kids recognize that each section of text-based code corresponds to the blocks they learned with block-based code. This is where kids will start understanding text-based coding languages and applying real computer science knowledge.

In simple terms, text-based programming languages are typed using a keyboard and stored as text files rather than the drag and drop style that block-based code uses. Some of the most popular text-based programming languages are Python, Java (used in Minecraft), and JavaScript.

With text-based coding, kids, and even expert coders, can tackle some typical problems while starting coding. Some of the most common ones are Syntax Errors, Code Styling, and Readability. These are small and very common errors that learning how to face can help kids better understand the languages and processes they are learning.

The question about when we should start teaching our kids text-based coding often arises. And the answer is, there’s no specific age to start with. To use text-based code, kids should know how to write and read, but other than that there’s not a specific age when to start. Actually, just like in any other spoken language, the earlier a child is exposed to it, the easier it is for them to catch it. 


Learning to code at a young age is a fundamental skill that will grow in children as they enter into adulthood. It enables children to understand the technology that surrounds them, becoming not just users, but developers and creators of their own reality. 

Best coding languages for kids

Since technology has become present in our lives, dominating coding languages has become a need for adults and children. Indeed, programming for youngsters is turning into an undeniably necessary subject. Learning how to code at a young age can genuinely set your kid up for success. They don’t just develop basic coding skills, but skills for the rest of their life.

Today, even kindergartners can start exploring different coding languages that fit their age needs. Learning code abilities at a young age will impact their development in STEM, and so forth, in their future careers. Also, studies have shown that coding reinforces skills like problem solving, logic, creativity and critical thinking. 

A parent’s guide to coding languages

Programming is the language of the future and learning how to effectively use it is easier than it looks. First of all, you should know that there are a huge amount of coding languages for kids to start with. Scratch, Java, Python, some forms of JavaScript, and Lua are probably the best, and most known, coding languages to begin with for kids. 

In any case, each coding language has its own working framework, style and expected use. But in general, these languages show kids how to track down an answer for an issue using an arrangement of steps, activities or directions. 

Generally, children tend to quickly become familiar with coding languages designed for them. Kids learn better through visual boost and this is the reason why graphical programming programs turn out better for beginners. Once children understand fundamental coding concepts, they can move to text-based programming languages  (line coding) and learn the syntax of various programming languages.

But, how to choose the best coding language for your child? 

It might be hard to decide the best way to introduce your child to code. That’s why we made our top 3 of what we consider the best coding languages for kids! Check it out with us, and feel free to ask us any questions you have to help you choose the best coding class for your child.


Scratch is a free educational programming language developed by Mitch Resnick and patented by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Learning to code with Scratch is easy for kids because of it’s intuitive, easy-to-use visual block interface. This makes it an amazing starting point for kids to start connecting with code.

Best Coding Languages for Kids: Scratch

The simplification of the process of designing games and creating stories and their big online community makes Scratch the perfect coding language to introduce your child to code from ages 6 to 16.


Lua is the perfect coding language to introduce children to text-based code since it’s easy to learn, use, and embed into applications. The power of Lua coding is that with a beginner-friendly language, it introduces simple concepts that can turn into greater creations.

Best codinga languages for kids_lua
Best Coding Languages for Kids: Lua

In addition to its simplicity and efficiency, Lua is used by Roblox which is a game platform adored by kids. Learning to code with Lua in Roblox, allows kids to create exciting and fun games that they can share with all their friends. 


Java is one of the most used coding languages in the world. Gmail, by Google, and Twitter, for example, were created in Java, as well as one of the most popular computer games nowadays: Minecraft! If your child is into Minecraft, Java can be a great programming language to create with.

Java gives a richer insight of coding as it’s designed to continue developing over the years. Although it’s harder to learn because of its variables, Java catches children’s excitement as it is widely used to make video games and mobile apps. It is also a great entry level object oriented programming language, typically focused on CS programs later in school. Its scalability makes it perfect for kids from 10 to 16.

These days, learning to code is a priceless and useful skill for kids. Understanding how something works, how to solve problems and being able to create new scenarios has a myriad of benefits for budding young programmers.. Regardless of the age of your child, there’s a perfect coding language they can start exploring to open a world of opportunities. Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions? If so, we’d love to hear from you! 

The Future is Digital and Other Reasons Your Kids Need to Learn to Code

If you look at the jobs that have been booming in the last decade, it’s not hard to see that there’s one sector that’s here to stay: Technology. It’s difficult to imagine a career today that doesn’t involve digital technology in some way, from cell phones to email to in-depth html. At CodeREV Kids, we think it’s important for kids to get involved in the digital world as early as possible.

Why wait until college for your child to learn to code?

It wasn’t long ago that students could only hope to learn how to code when they got to college. Today, kids often teach themselves in high school or even as early as middle school. But why should they have to teach themselves? The good news is that now that we’re around, they don’t have to.

Learning early means a deeper understanding of a wide range of topics

If students learn how to code at an early age, they’ll also get the benefits of learning to code at an early age. For example, coding helps teach children logic, advanced thinking, and problem solving. You’ve likely heard that the earlier a child learns a language, the easier it is. The same is true of coding because it is indeed a new language.

Your kids deserve the best education

When you think of the best education for your kids, what do you think of? Do you think only of getting good grades? Do you think of them embracing critical thinking skills? Do you think of them learning skills that will actually be useful after they’ve graduated from high school and college? No matter which of those definitions you’d chose – or what combination of them – there’s no question that we can offer a truly excellent education when it comes to coding.

Teach valuable skills today in an environment kids enjoy

We know that if you tried to sit your kids down and teach them how to be a CEO at seven years old, they’d soon get bored. That’s why teaching kids coding is much more appealing than helping them prepare for any other type of career: It’s fun to learn. From our Minecraft servers to our flexible, at their own pace classes, we have options that your kids can get excited about. CodeREV Kids is here to make it a reality – just reach out to us for more information.

What to Look for in a Successful Coding Class

If you’ve been thinking of sending your kids to a California coding class then you’ve likely wondered how to choose the right option. At CodeREV, we want every parent to know exactly how to determine the best coding classes for their kids. Here are some of the criteria we recommend you consider.

Are the classes designed by teachers?

It takes a special overlap of talents to create a unique program that will keep kids interested and impart the information that’s needed. We have struck the right cord by hiring creative folks, education folks, and educators who have decades of combined experience. We know how kids learn and we know what they need to know about coding.

What’s their reputation?

Before you choose a coding class, take a moment and simply search the company you’re considering. What do reviewers say about them? What have kids have to say about them? It’s likely unreasonable to find a company that’s never had a negative review but if you see the same complaint over and over again then it’s likely the company you’re considering isn’t the right fit.

Do they make learning fun or is it a chore?

One of the great things about teaching kids coding is that most kids are naturally drawn to it. They like technology, they like video games, and they like hands-on learning. All of this combines to create a love of coding pretty easily. However, some coding classes may rely too heavily on instruction rather than hands-on instruction. We always strive to keep kids involved and make it as fun as possible so they’ll look forward to coming to us for coding classes.

Does it offer a good value?

Teaching your kid to code can be one of the best investments you ever make. With most any job now relying on technology, teaching your kids the basics of coding is a great idea in and of itself, but when you consider that it also boosts confidence, improves problem solving, and teachers critical thinking skills, it’s easy to see that the value in coding classes is a long-term value.

If you have any questions about our classes, we encourage you to reach out to us. We offer both group classes and self-paced options. We are here to help your child find their love of coding and we hope you’ll trust us with this important work.

Does Your School Need Help Setting Up Coding Classes for Kids?

At CodeREV Kids, our goal is to help kids learn coding. It’s as simple as that! In some cases, the best way to do that is to incorporate coding into the classroom. We offer several coding programs for schools that can help get these programs up and running.

In-school programs

With the in-school program, we offer a trained instructor who has both coding and teaching experience to your school. The instructor will be at your school for a full day, and it can be anywhere from just one day a week to five days a week. It’s all up to each school’s preferences. The curriculum we provide is designed to be fun and to cover every step kids need to learn robotics, game development, programming, and more. Kids have a great time but our programs also help boost confidence, problem-solving skills, creativity, and more!

After-school program

Our after-school program can stand alone as a new program at your school or it can be implemented within an existing after-school program you have. All we need is a computer lab and we’ll bring the rest! This creative programs we offer encourage collaboration and teach kids about coding through hands-on activities, brainstorming sessions, and group discussions.

For these after-school programs, we’ve partnered with schools all across the state of California for kids everywhere from kindergarten to 10th grade. If you school needs an additional technology curriculum then you should give us a call! We work to utilize common care standards in our classes and can even gear programs toward science and math goals.

Customized curriculum

When it comes to customized curriculum, you call the shots. We can do anything from turnkey customization to an as-needed curriculum. Our technology teachers will come to work onsite at your school weekly and act as the main instructor of a class, or they can work in conjunction with your computer lab instructor. It’s all up to you!

On the other hand, if you’d rather just teach the programs we’ve come up with, then we’ll work with your school to find a subscription basis that works for everyone. We’ll offer our curriculum and our program, along with training with your instructors, for whatever elements of our curriculum you decide to use in your school. This allows for total customization.

If you’re interested in getting your students more involved in technology and / or coding then your next phone call should be to CodeREV Kids.

Not All Coding Classes Are Created Equal

There’s plenty of information out there about the advantages of getting kids involved in coding but don’t make the mistake of assuming that any coding class is as good as another. At CodeREV Kids, we take care to ensure that our classes are the best you’ll find anywhere. Here are some factors to consider if you’re comparing your options.

Learning should be personal

Learning doesn’t happen magically just because a kids sits in a class, opens a book, or completes a task. Learning is a personal process and your child doesn’t have the exact same needs as anyone else. That’s why we offer a wide range of coding classes, including Online Classes that allow your child to learn at their own pace. You want the best solution for your child and so do we!

We use technology in innovative ways

Kids growing up in today’s world speak tech as a first language. Often they’ve been typing on keyboards and swiping screens for many years before they get to us. That’s why we believe that the best way to get them involved in STEM learning is by engaging them with technology. We have unique web portals, including a wide range of Minecraft servers, that help them learn in ways that they’re actually excited to learn in.

Kids need a balance between guidance and practice

Think about this situation: Someone walks up to you, gives you a golf club, and asks you to swing for half an hour. At the end of that 30 minutes, a teacher comes up and tells you what you’ve been doing incorrectly. While it may have seemed useful to spend those 30 minutes practicing, in the end you were simply teaching yourself to swing in the wrong way.

You can see with this example that self-learning has limits. At CodeREV Kids, we’re always looking for ways to find the perfect balance between helping your child build self-confidence and ensuring we’re helping as much as we can. Our teachers aren’t just there to instruct – they’re also working hard every day to inspire and challenge every student.

When your child comes to us, they’ll get hands-on experience along with time to practice on their own. We offer a low stress, small group teaching environment where your child can master concepts with a minimum of frustration – all while they’re building their self-confidence and their problem-solving skills.

Who Really Benefits from STEM?

There’s a lot of talk about STEM education in schools these days, and the ways it will benefit students, but some parents have started to ask: Who does it really benefit? At CodeREV Kids, we believe strongly in STEM education for all kids, especially those curious about the ways technology works or those who already love playing video games, but we’re also interested in the deeper aspects of who really benefits when these programs are implemented.

A focus on STEM education can help break down barriers

If you look at the current professionals in the STEM fields, it’s easy to see there there’s a serious lack of diversity. This refers both to gender diversity and ethnic diversity. One of the great things about getting STEM classes in front of kids at an early age, is that it can change then. It can break through gender roles. It can break barriers of income, education, and ethnicity.

We live in a global world

It would be hard to argue that the world is not becoming more global. The economy is global in many respects, and finding new people for STEM careers is important if we want our economy to grow. Every single decision we make uses some aspect of STEM, but too often it’s not taught this way. CodeREV Kids and other organizations around the country are trying to change that.

The entire country benefits from STEM classes

The answer to the question is pretty simple: Everyone in the U.S. benefits if our kids are taught the principles of STEM. If overall STEM education isn’t prioritized in this country, then we can easily continue our fall from world rankings in science, math, and other essential subjects. This could prevent us from keeping our global position.

STEM education helps spark an interest in STEM careers in children as young as 3. While schools are more and more frequently offering some type of STEM, coding, or robotics classes, it’s important to not put the entire burden on them. Remember that schools across the country are often underfunded and understaffed. Many teachers aren’t much more familiar than you are with certain aspects of technology.

That’s where programs like CodeREV Kids comes in. We are here to help boost confidence, encourage problem solving, and teach critical thinking skills. To learn more about what we can offer your child, contact us today!