Traditionally in the U.S., programmers begin to craft their skills while in college. However, those who have led and transformed the field of programming begin their education in technology before entering college, often teaching themselves and learning from mentors in high school or even middle school.
Why do students who begin programming early become so successful? Students who learn to program early in life gain a deeper and more complete understanding of the logic and advanced thinking behind programming. Like learning a language early in life, learning and practicing this type of thinking early in development actually influences a child’s brain as it is still developing. This is why early learners have experienced such boundless success in this field (think Gates, Zuckerberg, Jobs,…the list goes on and on).
We all know the future of our world is digital…so what can be more important to a child’s future than to provide a child now with a rich foundation in these integral thinking and problem solving skills that will be so valuable for success in his or her future world.
But how can we convince our children to put in the time and dedication necessary to embark upon this educational journey? We can convince them by making the process fun and interactive, so that they are immersed in their learning experience as they are exploring their creativity. This is what makes our program so unique.
Current and Future Job Force - As you may have seen in the video above, by 2020, 1 million computing jobs will go unfilled in the United States due to a lack of appropriate preparation of our future work force. Currently, students are graduating from excellent universities without the ability to obtain positions that utilize their expertise, yet someone who graduates from college with a computer science degree is very likely to obtain a desirable and high earning position immediately.
Furthermore, those who possess these highly valued technology skills will have the opportunity to work in any field they want as they depart college because every field will certainly contain positions that require expertise in technology.